The True Story Behind The '67 Chevy Impala From Supernatural  

The '67 Chevy Impala from the TV show Supernatural has become an iconic symbol for fans around the world.

The true story behind this beloved car is just as fascinating.  

Originally, the Impala was chosen simply because the producers wanted a classic vehicle that reflected the characters' personalities.

However, as the show gained popularity, the Impala, known as "Baby," became an integral part of the Winchester brothers' journey.  

It became a symbol of their bond, their home on wheels, and their weapon against supernatural forces.  

The Impala's black exterior, sleek design, and powerful V8 engine perfectly embodied the show's dark and adventurous tone.  

With its significance ingrained in the series, the '67 Chevy Impala will forever hold a special place in the hearts of Supernatural fans as a true iconic symbol of the Winchester brothers' epic journey.